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Home Skin Ayurvedic Treatment

Skin Ayurvedic Treatment in Sindkhed Raja Buldhana

Dr. Vilas Khurpe’s Clinic and Panchakarma Center provide the best Skin Ayurvedic Treatment in Sindkhed raja Buldhana. Our aim is to provide ayurvedic treatment and expert counseling in Skin Treatment in Buldhana.

“Kushta” is a  term used for various disorders. Skin disorders are mostly due to the intrinsic toxins generated in the human body which are because of altered lifestyle, consumption of fast food, viruddha anna sevan, street, and prakurti. These are the toxins that affect (pitta) blood and when exceeded irrupt in the form of skin diseases. So the important treatment in skin diseases is detoxification. The sansaman chikitsa along with panchakarma and rasayan chikitsa, takrodhara shows very good results and diseases can get eradicated fully without any side effects on other body systems.


In the human body Skin is the most important organ. Skin, according to Ayurveda, has seven layers. Its located not merely peripherally but extends itself to the deeper levels of the body. For this reason, skin diseases have deep-rooted causes; therefore its remedies also have to be penetrative. That is, most skin diseases are, rooted deeply into various dhatus or tissues like fat, muscles, blood, etc.

Skin Ayurvedic Treatment in Buldhana.

Nowadays the modern skin treatments depend on external applications of creams or oils. They can be help symptoms disappear temporarily as they never reach the deeper layers of the skin. Whereas, Ayurvedic treatments are not mere ‘skin deep’, it goes to the roots of the problem. Ayurveda always tries to root out the disease by treating it specifically according to the causes of each disease. Ayurvedic skin treatments can take a few weeks or months to show up signs of cure, but you can be sure about its has permanent solutions.

Acne Vulgaris, Psoriasis, eczema, and urticaria are the major skin diseases that are seen. They are considered to be caused due to outside disruptions, though these external factors do cause some aggravation in pita and Vata.

Acne vulgaris / Pimples Skin Disorder

Acne vulgaris is a common skin problem, its very widespread among teenagers and youngsters. When a person attains puberty, then his or her sebaceous glands or oil glands become proactive, secreting excess sebum or oil that clogs skin pores and inflames hair follicles, resulting in a level of skin problems collectively named ‘acne’.

The pores are congested not only by sebum but also due to dry skin and dirt and a buildup of bacteria that worsen acne situation. Acne lesions appear on the skin of the face, neck, shoulders, and chest, and maybe a cause of embarrassment because the age-group prone to acne breakouts are usually very conscious about their looks. If it is chronic in nature, it can be lead to severe scarring.

Ayurveda treats acne at the root of the skin problem and not at the surface of the skin.

Causes of Acne Skin Disease

1. Irritant cosmetics
2. Inadequate water intake
3. Unbalanced eating hours
4. Heredity
5. Consumption of fatty & fried food and excess starch intake
6. Nutritional deficiencies
7. Stress
8. Use of steroids

9.Hormonal imbalance
10.Chronic constipation
12.Improper skin cleansing
13.Intake of caffeine
14.Inadequate sleep
16.Tobacco intake
17.Intake of caffeine

Treatment for Acne Skin Disease

The etiopathology of the disease is because of vitiated Blood (Raktha Dushti) along with vitiated subtle channels to produce various symptoms of the disease. Thus to get a permanent cure of the situation, this pathophysiology of the disease should be broken down. Treatment procedures are designed keeping in this mind.

Steaming and other heating Processes: This process is not recommended during inflammatory stages. It is useful in the removal of blockage of subtle channels or brothas.

Vamana vomiting: Suitable medicines are orally given to induce vomiting. This procedure is very Important in removing blockage of subtle channels or Srothas of facial skin and whole body.

Virechana purgation: It’s a cleansing method, Done by giving bitter, astringent, and sweet herbal purgatives that carry down abnormally increased Pitha principle and blood dhathu. This is Process is beneficial in stages of inflammatory changes.

Nasya: Nasal administration of proper medicine is beneficial in chronic clinical conditions of Acne.

Raktamokshana (Bloodletting): This is a well-accepted treatment for Vitiated Raktha Dosha. The rotating blood acts as a carrier of all vitiated doshas and responsible for the pathological changes resulting in skin diseases. The process of removing this stagnated blood i.e. Raktamokshana is useful in this condition. Leech application, Prachaana, and Sira Radha are the Para surgical methods for Rakthamokshana described by Sushruta. The affected tissue remains restricted with the stasis of blood and bloodletting improves microcirculation to tissues by removing this stagnated and vitiated blood.

Do’s and Don’ts with Acne skin Problem


  1. Measures should be adopted to eradicate constipation.
  2. Emphasis should be on raw foods, especially organic fruits & vegetables, sprouted seeds, raw nuts, and whole-grain cereals, especially millet & brown rice
  3. Unsweetened plain water or lemon, either warm or cold, should be drunk.
  4. Yoga and proper personal hygiene.
  5. Wash your face often (plain water splashes)
  6. Steam your face at least two times a week
  7. Eat a healthy stable diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  8. Use a separate face towel and soap
  9. Ask your doctor for any doubt regarding your medications
  10. Ask your doctor if you are taking any other oral medications like oral contraceptive pills, hormones, etc


  1. Do not use oily cosmetics on your skin
  2. Don’t stop your medications abruptly without consulting your doctor
  3. Don’t pinch/pluck at your pimples or even touch them. They can scar
  4. Don’t use any strong medicated soap
  5. Dried, bananas, stewed, citrus fruits, and  tinned fruits should not be taken 
  6. Must Restrict starchy, protein, and fatty foods 
  7. Avoid non-veg, sugar, strong tea & coffee, pickles, refined & processed foods
  8. Avoid soft drinks, candies, ice cream, & products made with sugar & white flour
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