
Home Panchakarma Explained

Panchakarma Explained

Have you wondered why you feel better after vomiting or taking a laxative at times?

Have you ever noticed that your body feels lighter and better after throwing unwanted toxins and wastes out of the body?

Regardless of your profession, lifestyle or eating habits, the stress and strain of day-to-day life is a major factor for many chronic diseases. Chemicals in our food and water worsen the problem. Lack of exercise, polluted environment and climatically unsuitable menu further drains away energy.

Hence, seasonal and annual cleansing play an important role in living a healthy life.Because we cannot scrub our inner body, we need to learn a few skills to help cleanse our tissues, organs and mind. This is the art of Ayurveda.

As the name suggests, the Ayurveda detoxification method namely Panchakarma, is a power pack of five (Pancha) profoundly calming, nurturing and rejuvenating therapies (Karma).

It subtly removes these toxins from your mind and body, opens up all the subtle channels, so life energy and nutrients can flow freely nourishing each and every cell.

What is the purpose of Panchakarma?

The purpose of Panchakarma is to boost immunity, eradicate diseases and extend ones lifespan.

Here are 3 major purposes:

  1. Preventive – Vamana in spring, Virechana in autumn, Basti in rainy season.
  2. Curative – Emesis for skin diseases, Basti in paralysis or neurological disorders, Purgation in liver disorders or pitta disorders.
  3. Rejuvenative – Rasayana treatments will be more effective after panchakarma and before a pregnancy for a healthy progeny.

When should you do it?

Ayurveda recommends these cleansing therapies up to three times a year – at the change of every season, in order to maintain physical and mental hygiene in healthy individuals and to restore wellbeing and balance in those experiencing illness.

How many Days?

Minimum 7 days to Maximum 28 days depending on your health condition. There will be one or two rest days in between the treatments – depends on how your body is responding to the treatments.

What’s the daily program?

  • Daily Consultation and monitoring of your health
  • Therapy sessions
  • Oral Herbal medication
  • Ayurvedic diet – Daily as per advice
  • Yoga & Breathing Sessions – either one or two session a day
  • Meditation – Optional

Rules to follow during Panchakarma:

  • Use only warm water to drink, bathe and for other activities.
  • Follow Brahmacharya.
  • Do not sleep during the daytime.
  • Do not control natural urges.
  •  Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures or weather conditions.
  • Get a good night’s sleep at reasonable hours. Keeping awake at night is not advisable.
  •  Do not consume foods which cause indigestion.
  • Avoid mental stress and strenuous exercise.

Benefits of Panchakarma:

  • Eliminates toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind
  • Restores your constitutional balance improving health and wellness
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Reverses the negative effects of stress and illness on your body and mind
  • Increases the flexibility of joints
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Increases vigour and stamina
  • Enhances your self-reliance, strength, energy, vitality and mental clarity
  • Promotes deep relaxation and a sense of well-being
  • Reduces dependence on alcohol, tobacco and drugs
  • Increases glow and luster of skin
  • Helps to implement healthy diet and lifestyle.

Panchakarma therapy is a gift of rejuvenation to the body, mind and soul that everyone deserves.

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