
Home Udvartan


(Ayurveda Powder Massage)

The word Udwarthanam is a combination of two words (Urdhwa + Varthanam). Urdhwa means Upward andVarthanam means to move.

It is a well known Ayurveda powder massage that includes scrubbing of the whole body using the ubtan (paste) made out of the mixture of the different herbs and grains which contain the property of burning the fat and reduce Kapha.

Udvartana is a health preserving massage as the massage promotes active blood flow, revitalises and reconditions the body thus preserving its strength, skin texture and natural elasticity. Udvartana is definitely a boon provided by Ayurveda to the mankind.

How it works:
The warmth and the upward movements with rubbing help to dissolve the fatty layer and also to clean the skin. The herb penetrates the body through the skin pores and removes the sluggish lymphatic toxins. This technique not only detoxifies but also improves the blood circulation and establishes a rejuvenation effect in the body. This is mainly useful for reducing the amount of fat just under the skin layer. This gives a good tone to the muscles and relieves the stiffness of the joints.

Types of Udvartana:

  • RookshaUdvartana– Dry herbal powder massage. Beneficial for reducing excess Kapha, reduces cellulite and burns fat under the skin, corrects obesity.
  • SnigdhaUdvartana–Massage done with herbal paste prepared with mixing herbs with medicated oils. Beneficial in improving skin texture, complexion, tone and glow. Exfoliates and rejuvenates the skin, prevents skin diseases.


  • Reduces excess fat in the body
  • Improves the skin complexion
  • Prevents foul body odor
  • Cures itching sensation
  • Corrects the imbalance of doshas
  • Vitalizes and rejuvenates the body
  • Helps in toning the skin after child birth
Duration: 45 mins


  • Obesity
  • Hemiplegia
  • Paralysis
  • Skin Ailments
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Impaired Blood Circulation
  • Abdominal fat accumulation
  • Sciatica of Kapha origin
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Varicosity
  • Lipomas
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