Netra Basti

Home Netra Basti

Netra Basti

(Eye Rejuvenation Therapy)

Netra Basti is the traditional Ayurvedic eye treatment that involves bathing the eyes in medicated ghee and this is one of the most nourishing and rejuvenating therapies for the eyes.

It gives a cooling effect to the eyes, prevents eye diseases, strengthens optic nerve and also improves eyesight. Highly recommended for people who regularly work at computers, operate machinery, work in night shifts, drive for a long period.

How it works:
The ghee in general has a specific property to carry the qualities of the herbs used for medicating the ghee to the corresponding organs easily. Because of the pitta dominance of the eyes ghee will be the best medicine for the eye diseases. The active ingredients of the ghee will be absorbed through the structures of the eyes and it stimulates the ophthalmic area of the brain and the optic nerve.


  • Prevents cataract formation
  • Cooling and refreshing treatment for eyes
  • Nourishes and rejuvenates the eyes
  • Improves eyesight
  • Deeply restorative for eyes and entire nervous system
  • Erases dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Enhances the beauty of the eyes
  • Promotes good sleep
  • Preventive therapy for those suffering with hypertension and diabetes
Duration: 30-45 minutes.


  • Eyestrain due to TV, computer, pollution
  • Burning sensation in eyes
  • Dry, itchy, teary, tired eyes
  • Pain in eyes
  • Squint
  • Eye diseases caused by Vata and Pitta dosha
  • Inflammatory lesion of the eye
  • Loss of secretion of lacrimal fluid
  • Stye
  • Challazion
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Intra ocular haemorrhage
  • Refractive errors of eyes (Myopia/Hypermetropia)
  • Insomnia
  • Poor vision
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