
Home Garbhasanskar


(Mental and Spiritual Process)

Garbh Sanskar is something which will remain with the baby throughout his life and lead him to live a healthy and successful life in all aspects.

This is the art of living taught by mother to infant in the womb itself. This is knowledge or art of living shifts or goes from a mother’s instinct to infants instinct and whatever goes to baby during these nine months takes shape and happens in a child’s life in the future.

Sanskars can be established in good and bad both ways, it is up to the expecting mother how she is spending crucial nine months of her and her baby’s life. Babys Nature, Temperament, Intellectual ability, how happy he/she will be in life, luck, etc is determined in the womb itself.

Garbh Sanskar is not a medical procedure. Doctor’s role in the entire pregnancy is to take care of the physical health of would-be mother & fetus and ensure the proper delivery of the baby. What to eat and drink, how frequently to visit gynecologist, what medicines to be taken, what are the exercises to be done etc is very important but this is not part of Garbh Sanskar.

Garbh Sanskar is a mental and spiritual process, by which the future life of the fetus can be determined.

How it works:

Garbh sanskar is an opportunity to impart spiritual thoughts in the baby right from the time of conception. In this view, the garbh sanskar should be directed towards raising the sattva guna (or good qualities and positive thinking in the material sense) to achieve the ultimate goal of reducing the desires within an individual. In simple words, garbh sanskar should be used to impart the seed of future spiritual knowledge and interests in the baby.

It is a spiritual sense rather than the material sense. In our view there is nothing specific about what should be done, but in a simplistic way the mother should do anything and everything (according to her interests) that will pass on the “guna” (collection of qualities) that she wants the baby to have more (obviously that can only be Sattva gun for any mother or parents)…Examples of what can be done – Religious reading, meditation, yoga, Seva (service) at religious places, charity work and everything else that can be done to pass on the spiritual (religious) thoughts to the baby.

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    Types of Meditation:

    • Communication with the Baby inside You:– Although it may sound strange and weird, your bond with your child starts right from the time you conceive. It is not that when the child is born you know him. The baby listens to you and feels your feelings even when it is developing in your womb. You can shape up your baby’s first impressions by listening to good music, visualizing, massaging gently meditating and of course, with the help of positive thinking.
    • Read Books– Read books that give positive feelings and thoughts and avoid books that are filled with horror or thrilling feelings.
    • Positive Thinking: Think positive always. Try to retain a happy atmosphere around you. Bring only positive thoughts to your mind and think about your good times in the past or beautiful scenery or landscape or anything that makes you smile and feel happy.
    • Practice Yoga: Prenatal yoga will be of great help here. Take help from an expert and do yoga asanas under his supervision only.


    • Sanskaar uplifts and enlightens the human soul
    • The Garbha Sanskar is targeted to improve the
    a) Intellectual
    b) Emotional
    c) Social
    d) Spiritual Quotient of the unborn child.
    • There is vertical transmission of feelings, mental and emotional alike, to the child
    • A mother is therefore required to be happy, healthy and peaceful during the pregnancy
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