Beauty & Eye Care

Home Beauty & Eye Care

Beauty & Eye Care

Something magical happens simply by working on the face. In an Ayurvedic Face Lift, your entire body will let go, and your energy will shift into a roomier and more peaceful place. You will shine again.

Experience how this unique combination of gentle balancing touch, use of the vital energy points, and stimulating head massage will re-energize your face and whole being.

In this program we offer special skin treatments for acne, pigmentation, hair fall, dandruff and eye treatments for tired exhausted eyes, dry eye syndrome, dark circles etc.

This Program includes:

  • Shiroabhyanga
  • Mukhabhyanga
  • Mukha Lepa
  • Netra Basti
  • Netratarpan

Duration: 1, 3, 7 days


  • Improves the complexion
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Adds glow and lustre to your skin
  • Relaxes and nourishes your eyes
  • Delays wrinkles and ageing process
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