Ayurveda Diet And Lifestyle

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Ayurveda Diet And Lifestyle

It is a way of life!!

There is no beginning and no end. Ayurveda is a way of life and it will never stop. Our habits either generate life-force or they don’t.

Your foods are the building blocks of all the tissues which make your physical body. So right foods build strong body and heal it while wrong foods many times cause the disease. Ayurveda recommends right food choices to “Let your food be your medicine”

In order to maintain the balance of body and mind, diet must be consumed in accordance to the body constitution of every individual.



Vata is a cold and dry dosha; warm, nourishing foods with moderately heavy texture, plus added butter and fat are good for stabilizing Vata. Choose salty, sour, and sweet tastes as well as soothing and satisfying foods. Warm milk, cream, butter, warm soups, stews, hot cereals, raw nuts, and nut butters are good for Vatas. Take a hot or herbal tea with snacks in the late afternoon. All sweet fruits (so long as they are extra-ripe) are good for Vata. Warm drinks or hot water are best for Vatas.

Spices: Cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger, cloves, and garlic are all OK for Vatas.


Cold foods such as salads, iced drinks, raw vegetables and greens are not good for those with Vata imbalance (i.e. where Vata is dominant). Avoid drinks with too much caffeine and candies as they disturb Vata. Avoid unripe fruits, as they are too astringent.



The best foods for Pittas are cool or warm, with moderately heavy textures—i.e., not steaming hot foods. Bitter, sweet, and astringent tastes are ideal. Take cool, refreshing food in summer like salads, milk, and ice cream. Herbal tea, specifically mint or licorice root tea are pacifying to Pittas. Vegetarian foods, in general, are the best for Pittas, as consuming red meat tends to  produce more heat in the body. They should consume abundant amounts of milk, grains, and vegetables.


Pittas should use less butter and added fat, and they should avoid pickles, sour cream, and cheese. They should also avoid vinegar in salad dressing and use lemon juice instead. Alcoholic and fermented foods should be avoided. Reduce coffee. Avoid oily, hot, salty, and heavy foods such as anything fried. Pittas should also skip egg yolks, nuts, hot spices, honey, and hot drinks.



Warm, light and dry food is favourable.Kaphas do best with lightly cooked foods or raw fruits and vegetables. Any food that is spicy is good for Kaphas such as very hot Mexican or Indian food, especially in winter. Dry cooking methods (baking, broiling, grilling, sautéing) are preferable for Kaphas. Preferred spices are cumin, fenugreek, sesame seed, and turmeric.


Kaphas need to avoid sweet and fatty foods, and they should watch their salt consumption as well, as it can lead to fluid retention. They should avoid deep-fried foods. A typical Kapha tendency is to overeat: The main meal should be at the middle of the day, and only a light, dry meal in the evening. In general, Kaphas should avoid sugar, fats, and dairy products, skip chilled foods and drinks, and use ghee and oils in small amounts only.

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